Jacob Tremblay
He is not just pretty, but also funny and smart. The movie Room has won him a lot of hearts. His character is a child with a long hair who is locked away in his room together with his mom. His role as a long-haired boy in Room that won him his fans as well as the Critic's Award-winning film for best actor under 30 for an Leading Role at the Canadian Cinema and Television Awards. The actor has had an opportunity to collaborate alongside industry titans. His grace and charisma has won him the hearts of superstars like Leonardo DiCaprio, Ellen DeGeneres and other popular TV personalities. While he's a budding star, he works tirelessly to perfect his skills in acting. When it comes to their shows, he has even defeated the older Ellen as well as Jimmy Kimmel! His Instagram follows is at 446K while his Twitter fanbase exceeds 70K.